"Lisbeth Salander is a wanted woman. Two Millennium journalists about to expose the truth about the sex trade in Sweden are brutally murdered, and Salander's prints are on the weapon. Her history of unpredictable and vengeful behaviour makes her an official danger to society - but no-one can find her anywhere.

Meanwhile, Mikael Blomkvist, editor-in-chief of Millennium, will not believe what he hears on the news. Knowing Salander to be fierce when fearful, he is desperate to get to her before she is cornered and alone. As he fits the pieces of the puzzle together, he comes up against some hardened criminals, including the chainsaw-wielding 'blond giant' - a fearsomely huge thug who can feel no pain. Digging deeper, Blomkvist also unearths some heart-wrenching facts about Salander's past life.
Committed to psychiatric care aged 12, declared legally incompetent at 18, this is a messed-up young woman who is the product of an unjust and corrupt system. Yet Lisbeth is more avenging angel than helpless victim - descending on those that have hurt her with a righteous anger terrifying in its intensity and truly wonderful in its outcome."

Meanwhile, Mikael Blomkvist, editor-in-chief of Millennium, will not believe what he hears on the news. Knowing Salander to be fierce when fearful, he is desperate to get to her before she is cornered and alone. As he fits the pieces of the puzzle together, he comes up against some hardened criminals, including the chainsaw-wielding 'blond giant' - a fearsomely huge thug who can feel no pain. Digging deeper, Blomkvist also unearths some heart-wrenching facts about Salander's past life.
Committed to psychiatric care aged 12, declared legally incompetent at 18, this is a messed-up young woman who is the product of an unjust and corrupt system. Yet Lisbeth is more avenging angel than helpless victim - descending on those that have hurt her with a righteous anger terrifying in its intensity and truly wonderful in its outcome."
Juupelis. Tuli nyt luettua, kun laina-aika vääjäämättömästi hupenee ja maksimimäärä uusintoja on jo plakkarissa. Musta tässä pitkitettiin hiukan liikaa tota juonta. Oikeestaa mitään ei tapahtunu mut kovasti oli kuiteski tekstiä, ja se miten kaikki "selvis" tuli jotenki tosi äkäsee enkä mä ainakaa kovin hyvin loppujen lopuks pysyny kärryillä. Tosin mul oli tossa monen monen viikon tauko välissä, et silläki saattaa olla vaikutusta. Joka tapauksessa mulle huoku tästä jotenki vähän väkisin väännetyn oloa, eikä missään nimessä saavuttanu edeltäjänsä mittoja, vaikka tosi hyvä kertoja ja tarinan kokoaja Stieg on ollutkin. Kunnia siitä. Kolmas osa on suomeksi, joten se varmasti vähentää väärinymmärryksen vaaraa, ja onhan se nyt hauska lukee englanniks ku välillä siellä lukee: "Fröken Salander" tai "Herr Blomqvist" yms.
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